$5 = a beautifully-formatted PDF file with all 150+ posts! Almost 400 pages!

Why pay when you can access all of the posts on the site for free?
  • You'll have ONE 400-page document to read at your leisure.
  • The "Posts by Category" section allows you to easily find the posts that you are most interested in.
  • It's a small show of support for the effort we've put into producing this blog.
  • You can read it any time, even when not connected to the Internet.
  • You'll have the information and the stories permanently in your possession.
Who should think about purchasing Sustainable Dignity, the eBook?
  • Anyone thinking about volunteering overseas (anywhere, not just India).
  • Anyone interested in Indian culture.
  • Anyone wanting to learn more about the way international development works.
The Details
  • Pay $5 via Paypal or by credit card.
  • We'll email the download link within 24 hours. (The download link will expire after one week.)
  • The version that you download will include all entries up to the date of purchase. In December 2011, when we return from India and have written a few "resettlement" entries, we'll send the final download link to all who've purchased.

Questions? Let us know by contacting us directly (ginagrone@yahoo.com or corey@coreygrone.com).

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